Understanding The Facts About Cataract Surgery

Despite the fact that nearly half of all Americans eighty years old or older are diagnosed with cataracts, this common condition is the subject of many misconceptions. If you were diagnosed with cataracts, it's in your best interest to understand the truth about the condition and how it's treated. Here are some of the things that you should know about cataracts and cataract treatment. Cataracts Aren't Age-Related Since the majority of patients diagnosed with cataracts are seniors, many people believe that they can only affect those who are older. Read More 

Can An Allograft Help Restore Movement And Ease Pain For Your Badly-Healed Ankle?

If you broke your ankle a number of years ago and are still dealing with chronic pain, stiffness, and reduction in your range of motion, you may be wondering whether there's anything you can do to ease these symptoms going forward short of taking prescription painkillers or simply avoiding putting weight on your injured ankle. Unlike knees and other "hinge"-shaped joints, the complexity of the ankle joint often makes it a poor candidate for replacement surgery. Read More 

Living With A High Risk Of Skin Cancer: Surgical Options If The Disease Develops To An Advanced Stage

The majority of cancer cases in the United States consist of basal or squamous cell skin cancer. While not as lethal as melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer, these nonmelanoma cancers can cause damage to your muscles, bones and develop into unsightly growths on your skin. While nonmelanoma skin cancer can be caused by several factors, many people are at a higher risk for developing the disease due togenetics. Read More 

Is a Career in Assisted Living Right for You?

If you've long wanted a career in the nursing field but aren't sure you'd fit in well in a hospital environment and are reluctant to work at a nursing home, you may want to consider a job in an assisted-living community. These communities cater to seniors who desire to remain independent but may need a bit of help with daily tasks, like dressing, bathing, or taking medicine. With more and more Baby Boomers hitting their Social Security years (and predicted to be the longest-living generation yet), the number of assisted-living jobs available is likely to increase exponentially in the near future. Read More 

Laser Hair Removal Questions And Answers

As a woman, you may feel uncomfortable about hair growth on areas of your face, such as your chin and upper lip. However, there are ways to permanently remove unwanted hair. Laser hair removal is a safe way to remove and discourage hair growth. Here are a few questions and answers about this procedure: Does it hurt? When hair is removed using a laser you may feel a sharp twinge, but extreme pain does not usually accompany the procedure. Read More