Having a family history of heart disease, including close relatives who have experienced or died from heart attacks as well as a tendency for your family members to experience high blood pressure and cholesterol, increases your own risk of heart disease. Luckily, it is possible to help counteract your family history by making positive lifestyle changes and being proactive in protecting your cardiac health. Here are four things you should do if you have a family history of heart disease:
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The sensation of being intoxicated is a feeling that many people will find enjoyable. However, it is a reality that there are some individuals that will have difficulty controlling their impulses to imbibe these substances. When this is the case, it may be wise to use drug testing to help ensure that a person is avoiding these substances, but it is important to know the reality behind several basic myths about testing for these substances.
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When you suffer from lower back pain brought on by your sciatica, you may wonder if there is anything you can do at home to naturally ease your symptoms. If so, use the following three-step guide to help relieve the pain caused by an irritated sciatic nerve.
Step 1: Soak In A Warm Epsom Salt Bath
The first step in treating your back pain involves soaking in a warm Epsom salt bath.
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Neck pain is a major complaint of many patients. If it is not back pain they complain about, it is neck or head pain. While these are common complaints, it does not mean that you have to constantly live with neck pain, nor does it mean that you have to treat it with medication all the time either. Here are some common causes of neck pain and how to treat them without medication.
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Problems with your feet can have a surprisingly large impact on your quality of life. Unfortunately, patients that are suffering from even minor foot problems can lack the information necessary to respond to the ailment in a reasonable fashion. In particular, plantar warts are a fairly common problem that people will frequently delay having treated due to misunderstandings concerning this condition.
Is A Plantar Wart A Serious Foot Problem To Experience?
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