If you're like most who work outside the healthcare fields, your knowledge of urinary catheters is limited to daytime medical supply commercials or perhaps a single experience following a c-section or other medical procedure. However, a cancer diagnosis can turn many of your preconceived notions about health upside down, and after undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment, you may find yourself requiring the services of a urinary catheter for the foreseeable future. What should you know about using a catheter, and how can you keep your most recent medical development from breaking the bank when it comes to supply costs?
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1 in 5 people will get skin cancer in their lifetime, and the odds are even higher if you are fair-skinned. This is because paler skin tones contain less melanin, which can help guard against dangerous UV rays. If not caught in time, skin cancer can spread from skin cells to the lymph nodes and other organs, greatly increasing its danger. Luckily, even if you have fair skin there are specific things you can do to prevent skin cancer.
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If you are like many people who are approaching their 40's, you may have noticed that you no longer see things up close as well as you used to. When you start having difficulty focusing on close-up objects, your eye doctor will usually diagnose you with presbyopia, and bi-focals may be in your future. Fortunately, most bi-focals are no longer lined lenses that make you appear to be older than you are.
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Making sure your child eats a well-balanced diet and exercises regularly are essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, your child may still develop simple illnesses that cause many uncomfortable symptoms. Considering that most children develop up to 8 colds each year, understanding this common infectious disease is imperative. Of course, you may not fully understand the common cold and how it affects your child and your home. Using this guide of facts, you will have a better understanding of your child's cold.
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A lot of medical offices deal with patients coming in and out of the office all day long, but nothing is as unpredictable as a walk-in clinic. One hour could be completely dead, while the next is jam-packed with patients suffering through a variety of illnesses. This is why it's crucial for the operations of a walk-in clinic to go as smooth as possible. One area that can easily be improved at your walk-in clinic is the drug distributions and sterilization.
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