If you are having troubles with your vision due to improper eye movements or visual-motor deficiencies, there's a good chance that you can correct your vision without getting surgery. Vision therapy is best categorized as an individualized and supervised type of therapy that relies on practicing certain exercises to improve eye alignment, focusing abilities, eye movements and visual processing. There are several different types of exercises that have been highly recommended for improving muscle tone and improving visual acuity.
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She has one of the most famous smiles in history. Mona Lisa, the subject of a beloved Leonardo da Vinci oil painting, sits with her lips closed in a pleasant expression. If you have teeth missing, there's a good chance you're familiar with that facial expression yourself. Careful not to expose the gaps in your smile, you keep an amiable look on your face while avoiding laughter and conversation. Going out for dinner, chatting with someone you just met, and interacting with the general public are activities you steer away from so nobody will notice what you consider an unattractive flaw.
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The cold and flu are common illnesses, but they still make you feel downright awful. If these viruses are not treated correctly, they can even result in serious complications, like pneumonia, strep throat and bronchitis. That's why you should try your best to avoid these illnesses altogether. If you have a healthy immune system, your body will be able to fight off these viruses more effectively. Here are six ways to boost your immune system:
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One of the oldest forms of cosmetic surgery is rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job. Unfortunately, the surgery is invasive, can be risky for some patients, and comes with a long recovery period. If you're unhappy with your profile or you've always wanted to reshape your nose, a nose job may be the answer. In fact, you may be thinking about rhinoplasty but be hesitant to undergo such a significant procedure.
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Despite the fact that nearly half of all Americans eighty years old or older are diagnosed with cataracts, this common condition is the subject of many misconceptions. If you were diagnosed with cataracts, it's in your best interest to understand the truth about the condition and how it's treated. Here are some of the things that you should know about cataracts and cataract treatment.
Cataracts Aren't Age-Related
Since the majority of patients diagnosed with cataracts are seniors, many people believe that they can only affect those who are older.
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