How A Medical Technology Assessment Can Bring Your Idea To Fruition

Advancements in medical technology can save lives. It's quite incredible how someone's idea for an invention can become a life-saving medical device. There's a lot of work involved in the process. Because of this, ideas for inventions are proprietary and can be patented. If you have a working idea for medical technology and would like to bring your idea to fruition, it's important to get some help from a medical technology assessment service. Here are the basic steps they can help you with.

Review Patent Applications & Existing Patents

The first thing to determine is whether or not there is already a patent application or patent for the technology or device you wish to invent. A medical technology assessment service can research and review all the patent applications and patents that are similar to your idea to see if your idea really is proprietary. If none are found, you can then move forward in your pursuit to patent and develop your medical technology or device. 

Determine If Your Idea Is Ethical & Feasible

When it comes to medical technology and devices that can affect someone's health, the first thing that needs to be determined is if the technology is ethical. A medical technology assessment service can review various medical literature to determine whether or not the technology is feasible. To do this, it's important for the assessor to have a strong medical background. 

The next thing to consider is whether or not the technology is feasible. Answering the following questions can typically help determine whether or not it would be worthwhile to pursue patenting and developing the technology:

  • Will the intended buyers or users of the technology want it?
  • How difficult or expensive will it be to develop?
  • Will a prototype be necessary to develop?
  • How cost effective will developing a prototype be?
  • Will clinical trials be a requirement to pass regulatory agencies approvals?
  • How difficult or dangerous will clinical trials be for the technology or device?
  • Are there any specific universities or medical centers that would be interested in working with you?

A medical technology assessment service can help you determine the answers to these questions so you can determine whether or not you can or should move forward in the process of inventing. The individual conducting the investigation and review of your invention will then write up a detailed assessment for you to read through and consider. Use this assessment to refine your invention, if necessary, before moving forward in the patent application and development process. 

Provide Detailed Descriptions for Your Patent Applications

Additionally, the assessment service can help you submit a superb patent application by giving you a professionally written, detailed description of the technology or devices using appropriate medical and legal language for your patent application. They can also assist you in providing detailed drawings and schematics as well for your patent application. 

Assist In Creating a Detailed Portfolio for Potential Investors

All of the information given in an assessment of medical technology can be given to potential investors as a way of enticing them to invest in your invention so you can manufacture it or produce it. It should go without saying that one of the biggest reasons new inventions fail is due to lack of money to manufacture the item or device. If there are no investors to fund the manufacturing process, the invention won't be a successful product. 

In conclusion, a great way to attract willing investors is to show them that the research and assessment was done by a professional assessment service. Another key element potential investors want to see is that a patent application has already been submitted. 

To get started, contact a local medical technology assessment service.
