Walk-In Clinics: 3 Benefits Of Outsourcing Sterilized Drug Orders
A lot of medical offices deal with patients coming in and out of the office all day long, but nothing is as unpredictable as a walk-in clinic. One hour could be completely dead, while the next is jam-packed with patients suffering through a variety of illnesses. This is why it's crucial for the operations of a walk-in clinic to go as smooth as possible. One area that can easily be improved at your walk-in clinic is the drug distributions and sterilization. Instead of doing all of the work in your business, you can rely on the services of an outsourced sterilized drug company. These compounding pharmacies have three direct benefits related to walk-in medical clinics. Browse through each benefit and learn how they can apply to your needs.
Time Management
When a patient is in a room, they are taking away time from the next patient that needs to be seen. A lot of their time may be spent waiting as drugs are sterilized and prepared directly in the office. By outsourcing your sterilized drugs needs, you can execute the drug injections more quickly. IVs can be set up faster, and patients can get rotated in and out more quickly without sacrificing their care. Not only will this help you rotate patients in and out of the business, but it can help increase the overall mood of the patients there. Instead of getting impatient or annoyed, the speediness of service can improve moods and help keep things moving quickly.
Money Savings
Along with saving time, your walk-in clinic can also save money by choosing to outsource your sterilization process. The money you can save is based off of two different factors. The first is employee wages. More time and work hours are spent when employees need to sort through drugs, sterilize them and prepare each one as needed. Not as many employees are needed when the drugs are outsourced and available for use right as they are shipped. For example, an outsourcing company may have three to four employees preparing the drugs you have ordered for the walk-in clinic. The wages and costs for those employees are a part of the outsourced company. You do not need to have the same type of manpower when you order these sterilized drugs.
The second impact on the profits of your business is directly related to the patients. Saving time on each patient will help increase out-of-pocket payments and insurance payments. When outsourcing, you can compare the average amount of patients seen during the day. If your medical system tracks the amount of time spent on each patient, then you can also track these changes to see the increase in patients and your increase in profits. The extra money that you save can be used on office upgrades like new medical equipment and digital technology.
FDA Inspection Process
One of the biggest benefits of outsourcing your sterilized drug orders is the rigorous inspection process used for drug companies. Outsourced compound pharmacies often sign an agreement with the FDA known as section 503B. Through these laws, the facilities must follow strict FDA rules for the treatment, handling, and sterilization of the drugs. This includes multiple inspections, detailed training, and specific codes and conduct that must be met. Signing up with an outsourcing company that is a part of the section 503B agreement will give your business reassurance that the drugs are sterilized and properly treated.
When the drugs arrive at your walk-in clinic, your can feel confident and comfortable delivering them to patients without the need for extra sterilization or inspections. Once you start with a company, you can quickly transition to this process and receive updated approvals or reports from FDA inspections to ensure that the outsourcing company is operating with the 503B guidelines set in place.
Contact compounding pharmacies like Premier Pharmacy Labs to find out more details about their process and ways to sign up your walk-in clinic.